Sunday, October 19, 2014


Yep, it’s another time-wasting blog showcasing the kitschy side of American consumer culture (and what a large side that is! No end of potential material here...). Still, I hope you visit from time to time if for no other reason than to add a little levity to an otherwise humdrum day.

I’d also like you to meet “Treasure,” the official blog mascot. Although she was perched atop a high shelf and mixed in with other wince-inducing chotchkies, she really stood out. Those soulless brown eyes (and what’s with the eyes’ lack of whites??), that tiny snarling mouth…I still have nightmares.


  1. Ah....another Goodwill devotee! I suspect that the flotsam and jetsam of our culture, so lovingly collected in Goodwill stores, will baffle archeologists in the not too distant future. Especially when they see such trinkets at Treasure. Yep, she makes me shudder. Especially when I think of dusting her.

    1. She makes me shudder when I think of looking at her!
