Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mugshots 1: “We’ve got to get grandma to cut back on her caffeine!”

Goodwill is where coffee mugs go to die. Let’s face it, we can’t bring ourselves to throw out a perfectly good mug, no matter how long it’s been shoved in the back of the cupboard or how ugly we think it is. “Somebody will want it,” we kid ourselves. So it ends up at Goodwill. And now a select few will end up here! “Mugshots” will be a recurring post where I feature the tackiest, ugliest, or just plain weirdest caffeinated beverage receptacles I can find. Here’s the first entry.

“Grandma, we love you so much, we’re giving you the world’s most useless coffee mug.” (Well, at least it will get Grandma to cut down on her caffeine consumption!)


  1. Buh?

    Or as I like to say when there are no children or members of the clergy around: WTFF?

  2. There are even some clergy who might say the same if they see the stuff I'm putting in this blog!
